Created & Directed by Mahmood Farooqui Produced by Anusha Rizvi Dastango: Mahmood Farooqui, Darain Shahidi and Poonam Girdhani |
Dastangoi based on the folk tale of AK Ramanujan, which tells the tale of Raja Vikram’s heartbreak and his journey to overcome it. the storytellers narrate how Raja Vikram's heart was broken and then restored. This dastan took over two months to prepare and the overall performance, about three months. Darain went through the scholar's oeuvre and prepared an initial section. I then worked on those and prepared a story to mount the folk tales that he had compiled so diligently, said Farooqui. The duo felt that the time was ripe for them to do a story on one of the most idealized kings. Our present-day rulers can learn a thing or two about Rajdharma," he adds. |
Muhabbat ne zulmat se kaadha hai noor, Na hoti muhabbat na hota zuhoor. Muhabbat musabbab, muhabbat sabab, Muhabbat se aatey hain kaare-e-ajab. Muhabbat bin is jaa na aaya koi, Muhabbat se khaali na paya koi, Muhabbat hi is kaar-khaane mein hai, Muhabbat se sab kuchh zamaane mein hai, Muhabbat ki aatish se akhgar hai dil, na hovey muhabbat to paththar hai dil. -From this dastan |